
PPGM026 - GENÉTICA - Turma: 01 (2016.1)

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  • Aulas biotecnologia
  • 05/07/2016 21:44
  • Texto:

    Caro(a)s aluno(a)s,

    Acessem a página principal da disciplina no SIGAA para ter acesso ao artigo que apresentará na forma de seminário. Veja a programação de nossas aulas abaixo:


    DIA 07.07.16 (14h) - AULA

    DIA 14.07.16 (14h) - SEMINÁRIOS

    1.ANA PAULA SOARES E SILVA - In vitro propagation of Cyrtopodium saintlegerianum…

    2.ANA ROBERTA LIMA DE MIRANDA - Transgenic indica rice lines, expressing Brassica juncea Nonexpressor...

    3.AURICELIA SOUSA DE CARVALHO - Expression of soybean lectin in transgenic tobacco results in enhanced…

    4.BRUNA MARIA PRADO DA SILVA - Homologous expression of glutamylcysteine synthetase…

    5.CLAUDIANA SILVA PEREIRA - Insect resistant transgenic pea expressing cry1Ac gene product

    6.DÉBORA ARAÚJO DE CARVALHO - Long-term toxicity study on transgenic rice with Cry1Ac

    7.GERSON DO NASCIMENTO COSTA - Overexpression of monoubiquitin improves photosynthesis…

    8.GISELE HOLANDA DE SÁ - Overexpression of Pp14-3-3 from Pyrus Pyrifolia…

    DIA 21.07.16 (14h) - SEMINÁRIOS

    9.JOÃO PAULO BARBOSA CARDOSO - Expression of peanut Iron Regulated Transporter 1 in tobacco and rice…

    10.LEONARDO FURTADO DE OLIVEIRA - Thirteen week rodent feeding study with processed fractions

    11.MANOEL BRAZ DA SILVA JUNIOR - Transgenic banana cv. Rasthali (AAB, Silk gp) harboring…

    12.PAMELA PONCE MARTINS - A pigeonpea gene confers resistance to Asian... 

    13.SHIRLIANE DE ARAUJO SOUSA - In vitro callus induction and micropropagation of Thymus persicus...

    14.TAMIRES DE SOUSA SILVA - Molecular cloning, expression analysis and subcellular localization...

    15.TERESINHA DE JESUS FEITOSA DE SOUSA - Stress-inducible overexpression ofvglyoxalase I is...

    16.THALES EDUARDO GALDINO ANDRADE - Heterologous expression of an RNA-binding protein affects... 


SIGAA | Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação - STI/UFPI - (86) 3215-1124 | sigjb02.ufpi.br.timers vSIGAA_3.12.1151 01/11/2024 05:11