The Postgraduate Program in Public Policy is interdisciplinary and interdepartmental. Its activities are aimed at qualifying teachers, researchers, recent graduates and professionals to intervene with theoretical, political and technical competence in the field of teaching and the production of knowledge in the area of ​​public policies. Recommended by CAPES as agreed No. CAA / CT / 241 of December 17, 2001. CAPES Concept: 5 Approved by CEPEX / UFPI pursuant to Resolution No. 143/01 of December 21, 2001. Major Area (CAPES): Applied Social Sciences Area of ​​concentration: State, Society and Public Policies: Research lines: 1 - Culture, Identity and Social Processes. 2 - State, Public Policies and Social Movements. Duration of the Master Course: minimum of 12 months and maximum of 24 months. Duration of Doctorate: minimum of 24 months and maximum of 42 months. Coordination: Coordinator: Profª. Drª. Solange Maria Teixeira. Sub-Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Jairo de Carvalho Guimarães. Program Address: Federal University of Piauí, Center for Human Sciences and Letters, Postgraduate Program in Public Policy. University Campus Minister Petrônio Portella, Neighborhood Ininga. City: Teresina. State: Piauí. ZIP Code: 64.049-550. Phones: (86) 3215-5808. E-mail:

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